О программе: ReNamer - программа, позволяющая пакетно переименовывать файлы. Несмотря на кажущуюся простоту, это мощный инструмент, ориентированный на опытных пользователей. С помощью встроенных средств программы можно удалять из файлов определенные символы, изменять расширения, заменять одни слова другими, а также вручную ввести нужные имена. Поддержка Unicode позволяет пользователям оставаться спокойными за корректное отображение имен на любом языке.
Изменения в версии: * Strip surrounding white space characters from EXIF Make, Model and Description tags. * Display fractional part in "Size KB" and "Size MB" columns in the files table. * Format file size and torrent size meta tags using locale symbols and 2 fractional digits. * Added "Torrent_TotalSize", "File_Size" and "File_SizeGB" meta tags. * Improved routines for number formatting based on locale settings. * Added an option to skip renaming of unchanged files. * Fixed an incorrect DST offset applied to file dates outside of current DST period. * Replaced internal use of TStringsArray with TWideStringArray in Pascal Script. * Added FileReadText function to Pascal Script. * Added "/silent" switch to ignore warnings and errors during command line renaming. * Set non-zero exit code when command line renaming fails in silent mode. * Refactored command line parsing mechanism. * Added colored arrow icons to import/export options to improve visual identification. * Use the first day of the current year to substitute missing components in parsed dates in the Reformat Date rule. * Fixed ignoring of trailing digits in short date pattern components (M, D, H, N, S, Z) in the Reformat Date rule. * Rearranged the display order of rules: Reformat Date and Padding rules moved up in the list. * Minor re-alignment of checkboxes in the Padding rule configuration window. * Added Randomize rule for inserting random sequences into filenames. * Random serialization option in the Serialize rule has been deprecated. * Added option to replace the current name in Serialize and Randomize rules. * Added an option to disable automatic case adjustments performed by the Translit rule. * Disabled word-wrap, enabled horizontal scrollbar and improved resizing of components in the Translit rule configuration window. * Reformat Date rule: Correctly handle repeated time format components. * Reformat Date rule: Allow partial date and time format parsing, e.g. "YYYY", "DD MMM", "NN:SS". * Reformat Date rule: Case insensitive matching of Unicode month names. * Added functions to PascalScript: OemToAnsi, OemToWide, AnsiToOem, WideToOem. * Fixed potential output buffer corruption in ExecConsoleApp function. * ExecConsoleApp function no longer applies OEM to ANSI conversion to the console output. * Made "Insert Meta Tags" button in the Insert rule more prominent. * Reimplemented Outlook MSG file parser used for Outlook_* meta tags. * Reimplemented email headers parsing used for Email_* and Outlook_* meta tags. * Email_* meta tags can handle Unicode file names. * Added more Email_* meta tags: MessageID, SenderName, SenderEmail, Recipients, Recipient, RecipientName, RecipientEmail. * Added more Outlook_* meta tags: SenderName, SenderEmail, Recipients, Recipient, RecipientName, RecipientEmail. * Renamed Outlook_ID meta tag to Outlook_MessageID for consistency. * Changed English rule names from CamelCase to spaced capitalization. * Added WideTextPosEx, IsWideWordBoundaryLeft and IsWideWordBoundaryRight functions to Pascal Script. * Updated bundled User Manual (PDF file). * Updated Japanese language file. Thanks to Tilt. * Updated French language file. Thanks to Ozzii. * Updated Chinese Simplified language file. Thanks to WanderMax. * Updated Serbian language file. Thanks to Никола Алексић (eR@SeR). * Updated Russian language file.
О Portable: 1. Копировать портативную версию программы на диск, флеш-накопитель и т.д. 2. Инструкция лечения, такая же как для установочной версии с 2 пункта.
Процедура лечения: Установить программу Зарегистрироваться данными полученными из кейгена
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